Performances by Pique Collective

A recording of “Heavy Light” by Steven Mackey. The piece is a thirty-five minute quintet featuring electric guitar cadenzas and solos performed by Jeremy Lyons. Scored for electric guitar, flute, cello, piano, and percussion, Pique Collective presents the first North American recording of this piece that does not feature the composer on guitar. The recording was made at Le Mondo in Baltimore, MD and the video was produced by Peter Kibbe.
A recording of “Smart-alienation” by Igor C. Silva. The piece is for flexible ensemble and pre-recorded audio and video. Pique’s presentation uses flute, cello, voice, electric guitar, and a unique percussion setup. The recording was made at Le Mondo in Baltimore, MD and the video was produced by Peter Kibbe.
A recording of “Scivia” by Robert Ge. Written for electric guitar, percussion, and cello, this composition was premiered by Pique Collective in 2019. The recording was done at Black Cherry Puppet Theater in Baltimore MD, and the video was produced by Jeremy Lyons.
An interpretation of a score by Candas Sisman called “SYN-Phon” recorded live by the Pique Collective at Union Craft Brewing in Baltimore, MD. For this score, Pique Collective used flute, cello, keyboard, electric guitar, and an array of percussion instruments. Jeremy also used a synthesizing pedal to manipulate certain sounds through his guitar.
An original composition by Jeremy Lyons titled, “Music for Exploding Heads.” The piece was premiered by the Pique Collective in collaboration with the artist, Ann Walsh. Scored for Flute, piano, voice, guitar, and cello, the music is a commentary on the nature of thoughts that fill our heads. Ann smashes plaster heads, which are replicas of her own head, over the course of the piece in both a rhythmic and improvisatory fashion.
A full shot of “Music for Exploding Heads.”
The live premiere of the composition, “Movements” by Jeremy Lyons. The piece is in eight movements and reflects aspects of the music making process that the composer has experienced while working with Pique Collective. The piece was written for Pique Collective and was premiered at Le Mondo, Baltimore MD.
An original composition, “Journeys” by Jeremy Lyons performed live on November 4th, 2018 by Pique Collective. This piece features poetry by Lucas Chib on the journeys made by immigrants and refugees. The piece was performed during the event, “Today I Welcome You, Tomorrow I Welcome You,” which featured original artwork by Camila Gomide and cuisine by the Mera Kitchen Collective.
A composition by Lisa Perry, titled, “Alps.” The piece is written in an antiphonal style and evokes the sensation of hearing church bells of small alpine towns in the distance and all around.
An interpretation of a composition by Bryan Wysocki titled, “The Signs We Send.” This piece was presented to Pique as a page with text describing the noble gases and typical signs that are illuminated by lights. The musical material is entirely based on the effect that Bryan’s words had upon us.
Jeremy is featured on the electric guitar here during a live performance by Pique Collective of Steven Mackey’s composition, “Heavy Light.”
An interpretation of a video score by Casey Farina titled, “Bitsmoke.” This was performed live at Union Craft Brewing in Baltimore, MD. Jeremy is again using electric guitar and many synthesized sounds through a multi-effects pedal.
Part of a live performance of Steve Reich’s Nagoya Marimbas played on one guitar and one marimba.

For more information and videos of Pique Collective, check out: